Continuing Legal Education (CLE)
The People's Solicitors operates our own Continuing Legal Education programs with presentations from judges, barristers, forensic psychologists and leading legal practitioners who are experts in their field.
We host an Annual BBQ around February/March each year. We hold a forum for 5 hours on a Friday night to CLE points covering:
Professional Responsibility & Ethics
Professional Standards & Negligence
Professional Skills
Trust Accounts & Business Skills
Opportunities & Risks - Q & A
Our first 10 point CLE program was conducted from 29th March to 1st April 2007. Our program covers mandatory subjects and assist make up points to enable re-registration for lawyers
Our distinguished speakers have included Patrick Keyzer, Daniel Brezniak, John Pilger, Jeff Shaw, Stephen Crawshaw, Steven Norrish, Pandelis Tsomis and Alex Mitchell.